Wii sports resort skydiving
Wii sports resort skydiving

wii sports resort skydiving

The thwipping sound coming out of the Wiimote’s speaker added an extra level of immersion into the game. Wind and arch have to be taken into account when aiming instead of just setting your sites to the bull’s-eye. The faster you pull back the nunchuk the faster you will focus on the screen. You aim the shot with the Wiimote and pull the arrow back with the nunchuk. If you play right handed you hold the Wiimote in your left hand and the nunchuk in your right. Only time will tell if it’s successful or disappoints as much as the original Red Steel. Ubisoft is the first to step up to that plate with Red Steel 2 later this year. Of course it is now up to the game manufacturers to follow through. Overall this category is one of the best in the game and shows the potential for sword fighting games to actually be fun. They even included the setting of an old rope bridge. You are presented with waves of one hit-point people coming at you, swords raised. Finally Showdown is a throwback to all of those old Kung-Fu movies. In Speed Slice an item is presented, and you have to slice it in the direction shown on the screen quicker than your opponent. As your score goes up you are presented with more difficult opponents, but to be honest none of them have presented a challenge thus far. Unfortunately the AI is ridiculously easy to defeat at first. The sword does move exactly like you are holding it and shows the true potential for a sword fighting game. Duel is a fight on top of a raised platform where the goal is to knock your opponent off into the water. Under the Swordplay category there are three games. I have gotten more questions about Swordplay than the rest of the game combined. Minor changes like the addition of legs and Wii Fit inspired menus are welcome additions. For those that do enjoy this pointless mini-game an expanded version is included in the Air Sports section. In my case, to start the game I had to skydive as my wife instead of myself. It is an amusing introduction to what the controller can do, but you cannot pick your Mii.


Once you do get past this tutorial - assuming you didn’t break your TV from throwing your controller at it - your Mii goes into a skydiving mini-game. There is no magic “I’m not an idiot just load the game” button to let you skip past the video either.


Unfortunately the first time you play the game you have to sit through a three minute video explaining how to hook up that technology. The game intro tries to pull you in and get you excited about the new technology. The impact of Wii Sports on the system is undeniable, but can Wii Sports Resort and the new Wii MotionPlus live up to the original?

wii sports resort skydiving

This is most clearly seen in games like swordplay, frisbee, and tabletop tennis where you are holding objects that move completely freely in your hands as you twist and turn the controller. This time the new technology being demoed comes in the form of an attachment called Wii MotionPlus and gives the Wiimote a greater ability to sense player movement. With the success of Wii Sports, it is safe to say that Wii Sports Resort has to once again raise the bar to be worthy of the name. Despite failing to usher in a new wave of game invocation from manufacturers it did succeed in showing customers what the potential of the system was.

wii sports resort skydiving

Most have just replaced button mashing with Wii shaking. Unfortunately game creators did not take the hint, and few games since truly take advantage of the controller. It is the game that propelled the Wii into success and was meant to show game developers just what could be done with the innovative new controls. Its simple appearance and game play hid a very fine tuned game that is perfect for the casual gamer, while somehow also pulling people into it for hours at a time. Wii Sports was a glorified demo of the Wiimote’s capabilities, but despite that it turned out to be the most popular title on the console. When the Wii launched in 2006, its flagship title was Wii Sports.

Wii sports resort skydiving